The Arizona Imaging and Microanalysis Society hosts an annual conference every spring. This annual meeting provides a forum for members to discuss research and exchange ideas, as well as an opportunity for learning about new techniques and concepts. At other times during the year the society sponsors or co-sponsors special seminars on topics relevant to the society’s membership at their host institutions. At the conclusion of the annual conference, AIMS conducts an annual meeting in which board member elections are held for the upcoming year. All members are invited to attend.
Once you sign up as an AIMS member you can register for the conference through the Member Control Panel.
If you are current member you can login to your account and register for the conference.
2012 AIMS Conference
March 2, 2012
Alumni Lounge, Memorial Union MU202
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ
- Travel Information (opens in a new window)
- ASU Interactive Map (opens in a new window)
- AIMS 2012 conference program
The annual AIMS meeting for 2012 will be held in the Memorial Union Alumni Lounge (MU202) at Arizona State University.
2012 Arizona Imaging and Microanalysis Society Annual Conference
|7:30 – 8:30|
Welcome: Page Baluch – President AIMS
|8:30 – 8:45|
First Session (subject to change)
Ilke Arslan, University of California Davis
“High Resolution 3-D Characterization of Nanomaterials using Tilt Tomography in the Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope“
|8:45 – 9:45|
Student Presentations
|9:45 – 10:45|
Morning Break – Vendor demonstrations/Poster Session 1
|10:45 – 11:25|
Steve Macknik, Barrows Neurological Institute, Phoenix Arizona
“Neural Research with MPE and Fiber-Optic Confocal”
|11:30 – 12:30|
Buffet Lunch
|12:30 – 1:30|
Poster Session 2
|1:30 – 1:55|
Second Session (subject to change)
Tom Deerinck, NCMIR, University of California San Diego
“Serial Reconstruction using 3View and FESEM “
|2:00 – 3:00|
Steve Macknik & Susana Martinez-Conde, Barrows Neurological Institute, Phoenix Arizona
“Magic – Illusions and Perceptions of the Mind”
|3:00 – 4:00|
Afternoon Break – Vendor Exhibits/Student Awards
|4:00 – 4:30|
Patricia Wadsworth, University of Massachusetts Amherst
“Live Cell Imaging and STORM”
|4:30 – 5:30|
Closing Remarks
|5:30 – 5:40|
Annual Society General Meeting (open to the public)
|5:45 – 6:15|
No Host Dinner
Annual AIMS Conference 2012 Program with Speaker Information and Abstracts
Program with abstracts in PDF format – Coming soon