2004 AIMS Annual Conference

March 4, 2004
Alumni Lounge, Old Main
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287


The 2004 invited speakers covered a range of budding techniques as applied to both physical and biological problems. Two cash awards were presented for the best poster at the end of the meeting.

The addendum were as follows:

Annual AIMS Conference 2004 Program

Morning Session

8:00 AM
Registration (Membership Fees)

8:30 AM
Welcome: AIMS President, Renu Sharma

8:45 AM
Ed Vicenzi, Smithsonian Institute, “Using Microbeam Analysis to Study Water/Rock Interaction”

9:20 AM
Michael M. J. Treacy, Arizona State University, “Detecting the Meaningful Spatial Patterns in Structurally Noisy Materials by Fluctuation Microscopy”

9:55 AM

10:15 AM
Alwyn Eades, Lehigh University, “Crystallographic Analysis in the Scanning Electron Microscope”

10:50 AM
Pamela Vandiver, University of Arizona, “Unraveling the Mysteries of Ancient Ceramics”

11:25 AM
Student Poster Presentation

12:00 Noon
Lunch (sponsored by FEI)

Afternoon Session

1:45 PM
Robert P. Apkarian, sponsered by Gatan, Inc. Emory University, “Molecular Resolution of Frozen-Etched Biomaterials, Hydrogels, and Cells by In-Lens Cryostaging in a FESEM: Methods and Applications”

2:20 PM
Poster Session and Vendor Mix

4:00 PM
Gina Sosinsky, University of California, San Diego, “Turning up the volumes: Electron microscopic tomography as a re-emerging tool for biological cellular and tissue structure determination”

4:35 PM
Poster Awards sponsered by EM Labs

5:00 PM
Close of Scientific Meetings

5:15 PM
Annual Business meeting and election of new offices

7:00 PM
No Host Dinner